
August 23, 2021

Thomas Glessner in Townhall: “Taliban Tyranny Proves the Need for American Values: Life, Liberty”

“While we grieve the loss of human life associated with the Taliban’s victory, we cannot help but note the clear contrast this situation provides to the morally upright values our nation was founded upon. It is time that our woke politicians, corporate leaders and religious figures acknowledge this difference. We must end the disgraceful defamation of America as an oppressive nation.” Read the full article in Townhall.
August 30, 2021

Thomas Glessner in Townhall: “Despite Taliban Tragedy, America Must Protect Human Life”

“Americans must continue to boldly display to the world our values, which liberate and do not oppress. Protecting all human life is a foundational American value that must be asserted. Our nation will be faced with another opportunity to preserve human life in the months ahead.  Soon, the U.S. Supreme Court will review a Mississippi law that prohibits abortion after 15 weeks in a pregnancy. This concept flies in the face of the tragic precedent established in Roe […]