
January 23, 2016

Adoption is Always an Option

  As I reviewed the records of the women scheduled for ultrasound, I came across a client whose profile picture showed an image of a pregnant woman possibly presenting in her third trimester.  The record indicated she had come to the center just two days prior for a pregnancy test.  She had initially tested positive on a home pregnancy test 1 day before being seen in the clinic.  Her chart read, ‘no known LMP.’  When […]
February 19, 2016

Counselor to Sonographer.

I have been a volunteer at a pregnancy medical center since the beginning of 2014.  As a nurse practitioner I was thrilled to sit down and listen to these women in need without a clock looming over my head reminding me that there were a hundred other tasks I could be doing.  I relished being in the moment with a woman in distress.  I was able to be truly mindful of what was really happening […]