This past week, pro-life leaders from around the country came to beautiful Virginia Beach to spend four days at Regent University’s charming Founder’s Inn & Spa for NIFLA’s 2019 National Legal and Medical Summit.
The event was geared towards anyone who works in a legal or medical capacity and is devoted to the pro-life movement. The Summit schedule included medical workshops filled with vital information. Topics ranged from HIPAA and limiting liability to the abortion pill reversal. There were also sessions on subjects such as “Legal Services Available for Victims of Abuse or Sex Trafficking,” “The Impact of Masterpiece Cake Shop,” and “The Future of the Pregnancy Center Movement in the Post – NIFLA v. Becerra Era.”
Many attendees also gathered to celebrate the one-year anniversary of NIFLA v. Becerra during the Celebrate Life Luncheon held during the NIFLA Summit on May 23.
“We have arrived at a pivotal moment for the pro-life movement and the culture war for the very soul of our nation. If there is any positive outcome from states such as Virginia, New York, and others pushing extreme abortion bills earlier this year, it is that perhaps a sleeping public has been awakened to the true nature of Roe v. Wade,” said NIFLA President and Founder Thomas Glessner to celebration attendees. “How did it come to this? It came to this when our government decided there is such a thing as a life unworthy of life. That is what Roe and its adherents have to defend.”
“The post-NIFLA v. Becerra legal landscape is dramatically different,” added Anne O’Connor, NIFLA Vice President of Legal Affairs. “The Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot force anyone to express a message that violates their convictions. NIFLA stands ready to continue protecting pregnancy centers so that they can continue to provide life-saving resources to mothers, families and communities. We are thankful for the dedication of pregnancy centers serving women across the nation. It is an honor to equip, serve and defend them regardless of any opposition they may face.”
State Representative Katrina Jackson (D-La.) delivered the keynote address for NIFLA’s Celebrate Life Luncheon after receiving the NIFLA 2019 Life Legislator award for her inspirational work in support of life.
“It doesn’t matter if you are Democrat or Republican, black or white, in Louisiana we fight for life,” Representative Jackson said to the applause of those gathered. “We don’t do it for ourselves, because someone has already chosen life for us. For those that cannot speak for themselves, we fight for life. Because it’s the right thing to do, we fight for life. Because we know that every time someone doesn’t speak out their silence means consent—we fight for life. When I am asked as to why I am a black, female, Democrat fighting for life, I tell them I am a Christian first,” continued Rep. Jackson. “There is no blood more innocent than an unborn child. So on behalf of these children—regardless of being Republican or Democrat, black or white, male or female—together, we will fight for life.
State Delegate Mark Cole (R-Va.) also received NIFLA’s 2019 Life Advocate Award during the luncheon and addressed those assembled. “I’m pro-life, and I think the government has a responsibility to protect innocent life,” Delegate Cole said. “Thanks to the Supreme Court’s favorable ruling in NIFLA v. Becerra and other significant moments over the past year, the public has become more educated on the issue of life, and more women are choosing life over abortion. New studies show the average American has come to oppose the concept of abortion on demand. I am proud to support NIFLA and their work on the front lines of the battle for life.”
NIFLA’s 2019 National Legal & Medical Summit was a huge success, and we encourage all those reading this to register for next year’s Summit. We would also like to thank this year’s Summit sponsors.