Thomas Glessner in PJ Media: “BREAKING: Supreme Court Puts Abortion Industry Ahead of the Health and Safety of Women”

NIFLA Spokeswoman Angie Thomas in The Daily Caller: “‘He’s A Disgrace’: Conservatives Turn On Chief Justice Roberts”
June 29, 2020
Thomas Glessner in Breitbart: “Chief Justice John Roberts Joins Liberals in Striking Down Abortion Safety Law”
June 29, 2020

“‘Women seeking abortions have the same right to competent and quality care as patients involved in other surgical procedures. This ruling allows the loophole enjoyed by abortionists to remain open at the expense of the women the abortion industry claims to serve,’ Thomas Glessner, president and founder of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA), said in a statement. ‘All states, including Louisiana, have an interest in regulating abortion and a duty to protect women. Unfortunately, today’s SCOTUS decision denies this critical principle.'”

Read the full article in PJ Media.