NIFLA Applauds the SCOTUS Fulton v. Philadelphia Decision

Thomas Glessner in Washington Examiner: “Why the Supreme Court Should Deliver a Death Blow to Roe v. Wade”
May 22, 2021
Thomas Glessner in Townhall: “Unanimous Supreme Court Relies on Landmark Pregnancy Center Case to Protect Religious Liberty”
June 29, 2021


June 17, 2021

Media Contact: [email protected]

The following quote regarding Thursday’s Supreme Court decision may be attributed to National Institute of Family and Life Advocates President Thomas Glessner:

“NIFLA applauds the 9-0 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Fulton v. Philadelphia. Such a decision protects the freedom of faith-based agencies to act in accordance with their foundational religious beliefs. In issuing this decision, the court cited the landmark case of NIFLA v. Becerra, which prohibits the government from forcing those with deeply-held religious beliefs to speak a message with which they fundamentally disagree. Today is a day of celebration for all Americans who cherish fundamental freedoms of religion and speech.



The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates is a national nonprofit providing legal counsel, education and training for pro-life pregnancy centers and medical clinics. Representing a network of more than 1,600 pregnancy centers across the nation, NIFLA has challenged laws targeting its members in several states — including California, Hawaii, Illinois, North Dakota and New York.

The NIFLA v. Becerra ruling in favor of the free speech rights of pro-life pregnancy centers and all Americans was released on June 26, 2018. To book interviews with the NIFLA leadership team about the ongoing impact of NIFLA v. Becerra or NIFLA’s pending legal action in other states, please contact NIFLA’s media team: [email protected].